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(Varieties & Description)

As a part of our project the project partners decided to plant one type of onions in all 5 countries and then compare and analyse the results. The first step was obviously deciding which onion to plant – shall we take one from Slovenia, Spain, Turkey or Slovakia. After discussing the problem over with prof. Salome ( a distinguished professor at the University and an onion expert) , we decided to set 6 different parameters and compare all the 5 types of onions. We compared the average weight, the flavour, juiciness, its diameter and the pigmentation. The results were presented to prof. Salome, who after a careful examination, decided that the best variety of onion to plant in all countries would be the Slovenian one – the indigenous variety named Ptujski Luk.

So after the decision was made, the bulbs of the Slovenian onion were divided among the project partners. As we originate from different countries with different climates, the bulbs will be planted at different seasons/ times of year.  In a few months time, all the onions will again be compared according to the same parameters and I think it will be very interesting to the results.

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